Saturday 1 February 2014

Cold but sunny

This morning it is very cold, with a strong wind, but also sunny so I decide to do a spot of spring cleaning. The barn where we stored our floor tiles has become a bit of a tradesmens' dumping ground so I began to have a clear out. The tiles, especially those from the pantry are very wet so I hope to bring them indoors to dry out so they can be re-laid. They are wet because in the house they were just laying on soil and I had covered them in bubble wrap to protect them from the cold.

Our hire car suddenly made a terrible noise as we reached the farm and we had to wait for the AA - fortunately it was a stone trapped in the disc braking mechanism and it was quickly fixed. On our route from Peel Mill to the farm the River Dove is starting to breach her banks and a few hundred meters from the farm a tractor was digging the road clear as the field and it's slurry seem to have slumped across the road in the night.

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