Sunday 16 March 2014

Spring that feels like summer

It is amazing weather, for once there is no wind just sunshine and blue skies with the daffodils flowering in huge numbers (to think I was worried that there were no buds). We are so pleased to have company to share this with.

I have just researched my daffodils and it appears the closest match is Pencrebar, its date is given as pre- 1929. My daffodils are a little taller though and their backs flushed with green. Some of the petals are also very narrow at the outside of the flower. I would say they are fragrant but not strongly so. It is likely this is a different but similar variety.

"For many years known as Queen Anne's Jonquil, now renamed after the place in Cornwall where a single plant was found surviving. This attractive and fragrant dwarf double daffodil is excellent for naturalising and for borders. Later flowering in April, Height about 9".

"This narcissus is short in stature yet perfectly proportioned,  pre-1929, all yellow double has its centre full of petals and, being a jonquil seedling, is strongly scented. These historical daffodils have particular interest for us, this one was lost but found again in an ancient garden in Cornwall. They have a quaintness and informality that is largely lost in modern daffodil breeding, yet they have stood the test of time having been at their peak of popularity in Victorian times. Many more remain to be rediscovered and loved again. However these are early days and the stocks of these are still not huge."

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