Friday 10 April 2015

Hares but no boxing

I've been keeping watch on the hares hoping to see them box. Apparently it isn't two males fighting but a female telling a male she isn't interested. As you'll see from the above that wasn't the case for this pair - maybe we'll have leverets on the farm this summer.

'Like rabbits, hares start to breed from a young age, and from about seven months they produce an average of 12 leverets a year in three litters. The breeding season runs from January to October, but May is a good time to look out for the young leverets as food becomes more abundant. They are born with their eyes open and are left alone in the day, in small depressions in the ground, known as forms, to avoid attracting predators. The young hares begin to feed on grass from two weeks old and are fully weaned at four weeks.'

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